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Animation Master (A:M) is an affordable full featured 3D animation package.
A:M has a build-in hierarchical material editor which can produce quite complex
There exists a website which hosts ahuge collection of A:M materials, called the
'The A:M Material Repository'
To find out, what material to use for your own model is not an easy task.
So I did Testrenders of all ~130 material files on repository.
What's on these pages?
On the following index page, you will find testrenders (or proof renders),
I did with Hash's Animation Master 2002.
You may use this as a reference, when you hunt down for an appropriate material for your model.
You can click on the thumbnails to see a bigger image with more details. Next to these
"Zooms", there is some information, on how long the scene took to render
(on my AMD Athlon 900 MHz) - these time values are a little bit vague, as the rendering took place
in the background and I continued working in the front... but they may serve as a little hint to
find "fast rendering " materials - as there are sometimes enourmous differences in rendertime
How was this done?
I rendered all the shown images with Hash Animation Master 2002 (V 9.5s) on an AMD 900 MHz CPU
with 512 MB of RAM. And: "NO" . I did not change the material settings a hundred times, manually.
As the AM projectfile format is plain ASCII, I wrote a little
perl Skript, which changed the material attributes directly
inside the project file and then sent some keyboard events to AM2002, to trigger another
render cycle. To render all the shown images, it took about 9 hours.
You can't download any materials from my pages. I only did some testrenders. If you want to use
the shown materials, download them from the
'The A:M Material Repository'
...Greetings from Germany: Wolfram "Der WOK".
Maintainer of the
DarkTree, Darkling Simulations, Simbiont are Registered Trademarks of Dakling Simulations Inc.
Animation Master is a Registered Trademark of Hash Inc., All other names may be registered
trademarks of th eir respective owners.